Used textiles and shoes
You have clothes and shoes that unnecessarily overflow your closets? You want to part with T-shirts, sweaters, pants or skirts because they no longer suit you? In Bonn, there are numerous aid organizations that rely on clothing donations to support people in need. Addresses to donate your clothes and shoes can be found in our brochure: "Wanted and Found" (German). In addition to the charitable and legal collections in the Bonn city area, we offer our own collection of old textiles. Throughout Germany, a great many old textiles and shoes are still disposed of in the residual waste bin. Old textiles are a valuable resource with high ecological potential. If the old textiles are no longer in perfect condition so that they are no longer suitable for clothing donations, take advantage of our offer of old textile containers.
What is included:
- Collected are old textiles and shoes regardless of condition, but without permanently installed electronic parts such as LED lighting in jackets and shoes, heating elements in gloves, etc. These are considered small electrical appliances and must be disposed of separately. It is important that the old textiles are packed in bags or sacks and shoes are thrown into the container bundled in pairs.
To note:
- Our containers are orange, or gray aluminum with orange stripes. They are easily recognizable by the logo. About 100 collection containers have already been set up. They are emptied by us regularly. The service complements the non-profit and legal collections in the Bonn city area. The locations of the used textile containers are shown on the city map (German). The proceeds generated from the municipal collection of used clothing are fully incorporated into the garbage fees and thus directly benefit the citizens of Bonn. Collection appeals and container labels should be read carefully and critically scrutinized. Sometimes a charitable collection is faked, for example by using fictitious emotional-sounding association names.
Additional information:
- In addition to financial reasons, waste avoidance and services of general interest are in the foreground. Regardless of the daily price of used textiles, we ensure regular emptying of the containers even when the resale value decreases. With the help of the area-wide collection system for used clothing and shoes, Bonn becomes an unattractive location for illegal used clothing collections. As a result, the "uncontrolled growth" of numerous illegal collection containers will be curbed and charitable institutions, such as aid organizations and clothing stores, will be protected. In this way, the old textiles can be recycled in a socially acceptable manner via containers that bonnorange provides together with charitable associations throughout the city. The container sites are kept clean by us, which leads to an improvement of the streetscape. For more information on recycling, please contact the Textile Recycling Association.