Waste, Bins & Co.

In Bonn, there are four different garbage cans for household waste. The collection dates can be viewed online at any time in the waste planner or in our app. The standard interval for residual waste (gray garbage can) is collection every 14 days. However, depending on the number and volume of garbage cans, there are also shorter emptying intervals here. The green garbage can (organic waste) is emptied every 14 days and the blue garbage can (waste paper) once a month, although we can also offer the housing industry individual, chargeable collection dates for the paper garbage can. The yellow garbage can, on the other hand, is emptied once a month by the Remondis company.

All waste must be placed at the street for collection by 6:30 a.m. on the day of collection. Please be considerate of pedestrians* and make sure they can use the sidewalk without interference. Please make sure that the lid of your trash can is always closed. Overfilled containers will not be collected. This also applies if the maximum weight of the waste containers is exceeded. Therefore, please do not squeeze the waste into the garbage cans or the container. Otherwise they cannot be emptied. Information on the weight and volume of the garbage cans can be found in our waste statutes.

We have summarized important information on disposal for you in the leaflet "Where to put your waste".

The leaflet is available as an accessible web version in UkrainianEnglish, Arabic, Turkish, Russian, Spanish, French and Chinese, can be downloaded as a PDF or requested as a printed version from Customer Service.

Barrel overview

The green garbage can (also called bio garbage can), for which no additional fees are charged in Bonn, is for plant and food waste from the kitchen as well as waste in small quantities from the garden (for example, wilted flowers or weeds). Food waste from the catering industry, canteens, etc., are subject to special regulations and must be disposed of via a specialist company (food waste disposal company). We at bonnorange support garden owners who want to compost themselves with specially trained compost advisors. They visit you as a garden owner and inform you about composting. To get you started, you will be given a pre-sorting container and a composting guide. The offer is a free service. Request your advice from our customer service on 0228 - 555 27 20 or by .

What belongs in the organic waste garbage can?

What does not belong in the organic waste garbage can?

✓ Cleaning residues from fruit and vegetables such as potato and apple peelings, lettuce leaves, apple kitsch, egg shells, coffee grounds, tea bags,

✓ Garden waste: wilted flowers, shrub prunings in small quantities, leaves, weeds, twigs,

✓ Waste of animal origin such as meat, sausage, bones, cheese,

✓ prepared and salted food waste such as bread, potato salad, cooked vegetables, stews.

✕ Liquids,

✕ Compostable film bags (e.g., made from potato or corn starch) and products made from biodegradable plastics. Visually, these cannot be distinguished from plastic bags and are perceived as so-called "misfills".

✕ Coated papers and glossy paper,

✕ Sweepings and vacuum cleaner bags,

✕ Feces of any kind (e.g., cat and dog excrement).

✕ Cat and small animal litter (also no eco, organic or natural cat litter).

✕ Tree cuttings, lawn sod (worn lawn sod, as the organic waste garbage can becomes too heavy and quickly breaks down, disposal via the mobile and stationary green containers or at the recycling centers)

✕ Soil (large weight makes organic waste garbage cans break down more quickly, disposal: larger quantities via a specialist company).

To note:

  • The 120-liter bio garbage can is available to private households in all parts of the city. In large housing estates, 660- or 1,100-liter containers can be installed.
  • Sacks, cardboard boxes and other containers filled with organic waste, as well as garden waste of all kinds left next to the organic waste garbage can during collection, will not be taken along.
  • Particularly moist organic waste should be wrapped in newspaper or paper kitchen towels.
  • The organic waste bag from bonnorange (in cooperation with RSAG AöR) can be used for organic waste.

Additional Information:

  • More than 20 years ago, the Federal City of Bonn was one of the first cities nationwide to introduce separate organic waste collection. As a result, a large part of organic waste was taken out of the residual waste garbage can and returned to the natural cycle via the organic waste garbage can or, in some cases, through self-composting. Separate collection is the basis for conserving resources and sustainably protecting the environment. Therefore, it is stringent that, as a further step, a distinction is made between organic kitchen and garden waste. After all, garden waste and leaves can be recycled even more efficiently via other disposal channels.

Tips for use in winter:

  • In winter, the contents of the organic garbage cans will freeze in sub-zero temperatures due to the high water content of the waste, even when left for a short time. The plastic of the bio garbage cans becomes brittle in freezing conditions, so that violent banging on the dump of the garbage truck could more easily damage the garbage cans. Therefore, frozen remains may remain in the bio garbage cans, which unfortunately cannot be collected afterwards.
  • If possible, place the organic waste garbage can under frost-proof conditions. Wrap the organic waste in newspaper or kitchen paper. This will help prevent it from freezing to the walls of the garbage can. Line the bottom of the garbage can with shredded, thin twigs or newspaper. This will help prevent freezing on the bottom of the garbage can. When filling the organic waste garbage can, always insert intermediate layers of newspaper or cardboard egg cartons. In general, please do not use coated paper or glossy paper.
  • Allow wet waste to dry out, as only wet waste will freeze solid. You can also try to carefully loosen the contents of the garbage can with a long stick and remove it from the edge of the garbage can.
  • If the frost persists, place the organic waste wrapped in newspaper outside for about one to two hours. In this way, the organic waste will freeze before it goes into the garbage can and will not freeze solid inside the garbage can. Please hand in green waste at the collection points.
  • There is no magic formula for avoiding frozen organic waste, but with these tips we have a good chance of emptying the organic garbage cans even in frosty weather. Please understand that once the organic garbage cans have thawed, they cannot be collected afterwards due to time constraints. Also, additional quantities provided for collection cannot be disposed of.

Tips for summer use:

  • Be sure to fill properly. Keep the garbage can lid closed at all times to minimize insects from laying their eggs in the garbage can and to prevent odors from escaping to the outside. Do not leave the organic waste garbage can in the blazing sun. During the warm summer months, wrapping the wet organic waste in newspaper or adding garden lime will help prevent odors. If necessary, clean the organic waste garbage can with a garden hose, for example, or hire a specialist company to clean it.

In the leaflet"Biowaste and composting" we have summarized important information on the subject for you.

The gray waste bin (also called residual waste bin) is intended for so-called residual waste. The gray waste bin is emptied by waste management employees and taken to the waste recycling complex. There, waste that is no longer suitable for recycling is recovered for energy. You can find out in detail how this sustainable and environmentally friendly form of recycling works at www.swb-verwertung.de.

What belongs in the residual waste bin?

What does not belong in the residual waste bin?

✓ Hygiene articles, such as diapers, pads, incontinence pads, etc.,

✓ Cigarette butts,

✓ soiled packaging (e.g., pizza boxes, frozen food packaging, etc.),

✓ soiled napkins and paper handkerchiefs,

✓ sanitary paper (paper towels),

✓ sales slips/cash register receipts,

✓ Vacuum cleaner bags,

✓ Ash (cooled),

✓ Sweepings,

✓ light bulbs and halogen bulbs,

✓ broken dishes,

✓ plastic office supplies (pens, pencils, fountain pens, desk pads, etc.),

✓ flower tubs, flower boxes, flower pots made of plastic or stoneware (for appropriate quantities as car trunk loads for a fee to the recycling centers).

✓ Leftover food that is not organic waste from private households or tea kitchens.

✕ Recyclable waste, such as paper, cardboard, packaging that has been emptied of residues, organic waste.


Additional information:

  • Additional side bags: bonnorange offers additional side bags for the disposal of occasional additional quantities of residual waste, which are available from retailers. We have summarized important information on disposal for you in the "Where to put your waste" flyer.

The Blue Bin (also called paper garbage can) is intended for waste paper and is offered in Bonn without additional fees. The production of paper from waste paper reduces fresh water consumption, wastewater pollution and energy requirements. Both environmental protection paper and recycled paper consist of 100 percent waste paper.

What belongs in the paper garbage can?

What does not belong in the paper garbage can?

✓ Paper and cardboard packaging (e.g. folding boxes), cardboard boxes,

✓ Newspapers, magazines, illustrated magazines, catalogs, writing, copying, computer paper,

✓ Books (please remove hard covers).

✕ Milk and juice cartons (yellow bin/yellow sack),

✕ Hygiene waste, diapers (residual waste),

✕ Wallpaper (accepted for a fee at recycling centers ),

✕ Carbon and tracing paper (residual waste),

✕ coated fax paper (residual waste),

✕ cash register receipts (often consist of thermal paper coated with bisphenol A, therefore to residual waste),

✕ soiled paper (e.g. party plates: residual waste),

✕ file folders (residual waste),

✕ cardboard scraps from fireworks.

To be noted:

  • Waste paper, even if it bears the Green Dot, does not belong in the yellow garbage can.

Additional information:

If more paper or cardboard accumulates than usual, it is possible to use the blue containers set up in the public street area. Their locations have been integrated into the Bonn city map and are only intended for the delivery of household quantities. From January 1, 2023, waste paper may no longer be placed for collection in bundles, cardboard boxes or paper bags. Waste paper will then only be collected via the blue garbage can or the public waste paper containers. The free waste paper containers for normal household quantities of waste paper and cardboard can also be used at the recycling centers.

The yellow garbage can or the yellow bag contains sales packaging made of lightweight materials. These are collected by a private company on behalf of BellandVision GmbH. Yellow garbage cans (240 liters) and large yellow containers (1,100 liters) must be ordered in writing by the house owner or authorized representative. Yellow sacks can also be ordered by tenants or collected themselves from: REMONDIS GmbH & Co. KG, Am Dickobskreuz 11a, 53121 Bonn, telephone: 02 28 - 7 66 67 77, fax: 02 28 - 7 66 66 95. Online form for ordering: www.gelbe-tonne-bonn.de

Yellow sacks are issued at the scales of REMONDIS GmbH & Co. KG, Am Dickobskreuz 11 a, 53121 Bonn. The parking lot is on the left behind the entrance, the scales are on the right-hand side.

What belongs in the yellow garbage can?

What does not belong in the yellow garbage can?

✓ Used, residue-emptied packaging made of lightweight materials, such as packaging made of Styrofoam, plastic, aluminum, tinplate (e.g., food and beverage cans),

✓ Composite/beverage cartons (material mixtures of paper, plastic, and aluminum), beverage cartons (e.g., for milk, juice, etc.),

✓ Plastic milk bags,

✓ aluminum trays of ready meals,

✓ yogurt cups and lids,

✓ plastic bottles (of dishwashing detergents, laundry detergents, personal care products, etc.),

✓ aluminum foil (from chocolate bars, for example),

✓ plastic shopping bags,

✓ Vacuum packaging (of coffee, etc.),

✓ Closures,

✓ Styrofoam packaging (e.g., of electrical appliances).

✕ Used clothing,

✕ Packaging made of glass (belongs in the used glass containers),

✕ tinware,

✕ lighters,

✕ Films (residual waste),

✕ video cassettes and diskettes (residual waste),

✕ CDs (belong in the red garbage can),

✕ Transparent sleeves (residual waste),

✕ Toothbrushes (non-electric: residual waste),

✕ Paper (paper garbage can or container),

✕ Diapers, sanitary napkins, and other hygiene items (residual waste),

✕ Items made of plastic, metal, or other materials that are not packaging (such as toys, household items, bowls, Styrofoam ceiling tiles (residual waste),

✕ Packaging with adhesions containing pollutants (e.g. spray - or paint cans as pollutants to the recycling centers,

✕ Small electrical appliances (belong in the red garbage cans).

To note:

  • Make sure your garbage cans are filled correctly (garbage cans, large garbage cans, bags). Yellow bins that have been filled incorrectly will not be collected by Remondis.
  • Do you have problems with the collection? Please contact the company directly: REMONDIS GmbH & Co KG, Tel: 0228 - 76 66 77 7.

Additional information:

  • Sales packaging made of lightweight materials is collected by a specialist waste management company within the framework of the so-called dual systems using the Yellow Bin or Yellow Sack. The costs for these systems are passed on to the consumer by the manufacturer of the packaging via the product price. In this way, every consumer pays for the disposal of disposable products directly when they buy them. There are now several dual systems. Please note that sales packaging no longer has to bear the mark of a dual system, such as the well-known "Green Dot", because all manufacturers of sales packaging that accumulates in households (and at comparable collection points) must participate in a dual system. Therefore, sales packaging that is not marked still belongs in the yellow garbage can or yellow sack.
  • Important note: Labels such as the "Green Dot" are not environmental labels! They merely provide information that this packaging can be fed into the collection system. It says nothing about the environmental compatibility of the product or the packaging material. For example, the disposable beverage packaging (without deposit) receives a mark, but the returnable deposit bottle, which is returned to the store and can be refilled, does not receive this mark.